Friday, June 19, 2009

What Has Been Up With Us?

I do want to say sorry for not writing for so long. It has been one of the most hectic times for me. I am hanging in there the best I can. I have been struggling with the death of my father who died on April 10, 2009 of very advanced prostate cancer. I loved him dearly. He means the world to me. With the help of Emerson, slowly but surely I should hopefully be able to move on. I have had a lot of friends as well help me along the way. I owe it all to them as well. I also owe a lot to my father-in-law. He is the greatest. He has been helping me as well. I look to him now as a father figure. But, deep inside I have been enriched with a father figure. Emerson is in a way like my father. I had gotten a calling. I am the Ward Program Specialist. It is fun doing this calling. I have been able to use a lot of different tools that I had learned in school. At least I have been able to use what I have been taught. I am also a Visiting Teacher Supervisor in the church as well.

Emerson is continuing on with working. He is doing good. He is just taking things right now as they come and with a grain of salt. He misses Dad dearly but, he has gotten past his point. He continues to stay near by when he cans. He is a great supporter with everything that happens. He is liking being Elders Quorum secretary for the church.

As a couple we do keep busy as much as possible. We just also recently celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary. That was the best day I have ever had in the past 2 years. We went up into Donut Falls where he proposed to me. We didn't go up all the way since my physical portion of my body has gone down quite a bit. But, the distance we did it was the best thing. We also went out to eat and had so much fun. Other then that, not much has been going on. I still am not working. But, that is a choice I have made with doctors orders along with husband's advice.

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